Alec Mitchell

Alec Mitchell

Los Angeles, California


Alec has helped small and large organizations get the most from their Plone sites by adding custom dynamic functionality, site-specific optimizations, high performance deployments, and web service integrations.

Alec specializes in Python, Zope and Plone development, high-performance website deployment and optimizations, RDBMS integration, and integration with web services. On Jazkarta's Go-Botany and Go Orchids Django projects, Alec helped develop the backend APIs, Javascript front end, and integrated Solr search for these web applications. He has helped shape many of our Plone implementations, including the University of Minnesota Press and Dumbarton Oaks websites and he was instrumental in upgrading those sites to enterprise search. He has worked extensively on the Plone based KCRW website, Southern California's leading National Public Radio affiliate, including content delivery optimization and development of new web service APIs for HTML5 and flash media players and iPhone/Android applications. His open source contributions include numerous core Plone features, the OpsWorks Python cookbooks we use for our cloud deployments, collective.timelines, collective.relatedslider, and collective.exhibit. He was the Plone 2.5 release manager and is a former member of the Plone framework team.

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